What is a Field Build?
A Field Build project is a building workshop designed for female identified and gender variant youth and adults. Up to 12 participants, between the ages of 14 and 100, join our experienced teachers to build a specific functional structure using the essential tools of the wood shop (common hand tools like hand saws, hammers, wrenches, as well as power tools like drills, circular saws, jig saws and more). Because our design and build workshops produce functional structures, we have made it part of the Field Build program mission to collaborate with existing organizations that could use a structure that we produce. Depending on the circumstances, we may design the structure in collaboration with the organization, or we may produce structures through our workshops and donate them to an organization. Field Build projects are a perfect ‘next-step’ building experiences for our Tooling Camp alumni.
What, where and when is the next Field Build?
Beginning in summer 2020, Project Fielding will continue a design and build workshop to create Resistance Architecture for the #LetUsBreathe Collective. The #LetUsBreathe Collective is working to expand the activities offered through their #BreathingRoom space, a Black-led liberation headquarters for arts, organizing, and healing. The structure(s) designed by Project Fielding and build by workshop participants, will be used during a freedom celebration and community building event called Free Town that coincides with Juneteenth and the last day of public school. Free Town is a smaller iteration and new imagining of their Freedom Square occupation.
Who are the workshop leaders?
Project Fielding is organized and led by seven experienced women and gender non-conforming carpenters/teachers. Each Field Build draws on the leadership of different members of the teacher’s collective. See our Teachers page for biographical information.
What is the schedule for the Field Build?
Builders will meet from 9:30am to 5pm for two stretches of 4-5 days. Exact dates are TBD, stay tuned! We will have a one-hour lunch break each day and two 10 minute snack breaks. We offer one simple vegetarian meal each day and bring snacks collectively.
How many participants will there be?:
Each day this will include up to three Project Fielding teachers and 12 builders of any skill level.
What is the cost?:
It is very important to Project Fielding that any builder who is interested in joining is able. The tuition for a Field Build is usually $150.00 per person on a sliding scale, though for the Free Town Field Build, we’ve received an Envisioning Justice Grant from the Illinois Humanities, enabling us to offer this workshop tuition-free. Of course, we would be so honored to receive a donation if you are able, contributing to regular Project Fielding operating costs such as web domains and tool upkeep. Please use the donation tab on the homepage of our site if you would like to contribute.
Will campers be safe and insured?
Yes. Appropriate and safe tool use is the basis of our organization. Woodshops and construction sites can be dangerous places if safety and appropriate tool use is not practiced. We believe it is this barrier that often causes apprehension in gaining these important skills. It is our collective belief that safety and competency lead to confidence, and not just in the woodshop but beyond! Project Fielding has insurance coverage for participant injury in the very unlikely case that something were to happen. For any further questions on this matter, don’t hesitate to contact us!
How do we sign up?
Please register on the Registration tab on the home page. There are limited spaces available and they are filled on a first come, first served basis. If there are spaces available, we will respond with a letter of acknowledgment and a request for payment (if applicable). In the case that you have applied to pay with a sliding scale, we will let you know how to proceed right away.